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Distinguished Unit Citation

Formally awarded on August 14, 1945 at the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, by
Major General William E. Kepner, Commander of the Ninth Air Force.

                              R E S T R I C T E D

                                NINTH AIR FORCE

                                                       APO 896, U. S. ARMY
                                                              28 JULY 1945
                                 E X T R A C T

       I - BATTLE HONORS. - Under the provisions of Section IV, Circular
No. 33, WD, 1943 the following named unit of the Ninth Air Force is cited
for extraordinary heroism in action against the enemy. The citation reads
as follows:

       "The 387TH BOMBARDMENT GROUP. For extraordinary heroism in armed
conflict with the enemy on 23 December 1944, when the group was dispatched
to attack a vital and strongly defended railway bridge at Mayen, Germany.
While en route to the target the second box of B-26 airplanes, which was
without fighter escort and was separated by several miles from the first
box, was viciously attacked by from 15 to 25 Messerschmitt aircraft.
Despite the determined defensive fire which took a large toll of the
hostile fighters, the enemy pressed his attacks with such fury that the
low flight was overpowered and four B-26 aircraft were forced down in
flames. Although in the ensuing encounters every airplane in the remaining
two flights sustained damage from the enemy attacks, the gallant airmen
succeeded in driving four of the enemy airplanes to certain destruction
and forcing four more to break away in flames.
       Meanwhile the first box pressed on to the target despite intermittent
flak and the imminence of fighter attack. Although a pathfinder failure
occurred 1 minute before bomb-release time, the bombardiers synchronized on
the target with such accuracy that extensive damage was inflicted on the
bridge. Notwithstanding the heavy losses incurred during the enemy attacks
the second box returned for an additional run on the target, and as a result
of their determined efforts the central portion of the bridge span was
completely destroyed. Despite the severe damage inflicted on the group's
aircraft during the morning mission, the officers and men of the 387th
Bombardment Group displayed great determination in embarking on another
mission only 2 hours after the bombers had returned to base. A withering
hail of antiaircraft fire was encountered over the target area at Prum,
Germany, which damaged 21 of the 26 airplanes dispatched. In the face of
this sustained barrage of flak the courageous airmen released their bombs
with a high degree of accuracy upon the communications installations. In
carrying out this dual blow against the enemy's communication and
transportation facilities on this date, the officers and men of the 387th
Bombardment Group displayed aerial skill, resolution, and devotion to duty
in keeping with the finest traditions of the Army Air Forces."


                                                               ROBERT M. LEE
                                                             Brig. Gen., USA
                                                              Chief of Staff
/s/P. H. Monahan
Lt. Col., AGD
Adjudant General

                                                     ARNOLD M. SMOLENS,
                                                      Capt., Air Corps,
                                                    Statistical Officer
                                                387th Bombardment Group

                              R E S T R I C T E D